New to add to design system – 1

Want to Be Updated? Check Out These Trend Spotting Sites!

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Knowing what is going to happen next and how the market is going to change is really important, whether you run your own business or not. I’ve scoured the internet to give you a head start and found these 13 sites that focus on trend spotting of 2014.

If you want to stay updated, you should follow them. To see what I’ve found out, check out the emaze presentation below.

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New trends emerge every day. When you know these things, or become natural at trend spotting, you can participate in relevant conversations with your colleagues. It’s not an easy job to look ahead and find the hottest trends in design, technology and every other subject but it will help you become technological mavens. The world is changing rapidly and it is necessary knowing those trends to be an innovative person. So don’t stay behind.