Uniquely designed to solve two of your most vexing pitching problems: being able to get all necessary information in there, on the one hand, without overcrowding your slides, compromising readability and trying your investor’s patience, on the other.
It started as an executive decision to take note of the many requests Emaze was getting for a pitch deck themed template, and quickly turned into one of our most popular templates.A deeper investigation into the existing pitch-making software out there suggested a gaping lack of actual pitch outlines in an overwhelming sea of manuals and how-tos promising to break it down for you.
The investor Pitch Template takes the guessing out of the game.

It aims to put an end to explanations and tips that leave you wide eyed and frustrated staring into an empty slide. To do this, Emaze has predesigned the slides with a product to pitch in mind. The text boxes have been studiously filled with relevant titles, signaling where to embed your text. The graphics and color scheme selected employ the clean and sleek aesthetic of business documents.
For first time pitchers as well as veteran deck-makers not wanting to work too hard, following Emaze’s slides is a surefire way to craft a pitch deck that walks the fine line between under and over telling. All you need to do is dump your stats and data into the template and voilà!
For the more spirited of users, any and all template features are modular and changeable. Use the basic template as a wireframe for your pitch, editing the text boxes and altering the graphics freely.
To use the Investor Pitch template and view the array of themed templates, visit us at emaze.com