How to Boost Your Creativity
First, it should be noted that ‘creativity’ is not a lot restricted to artists, authors and writers. It is an ability of thought which leads man to produce a valuable and original idea.
It’s All About the Presentation Humor
I bet you know that feeling. Cold sweat, shaky legs, heart pounding and accelerating quickly, as if you just finished running the longest marathon in the world. The elevator rises another floor… you are hoping to feel the same way when you take it back down to the lobby, after the applause from the audience, of course.
Get Your Emaze Presentation Featured on Our Blog!
Want to create an Emaze presentation that gets featured on our blog? Join the October Challenge!
Creating an Investors Presentation: Part 2
Here’s where you get into the physiology behind this process. Essentially, you have to ask yourself “what design will make the investor feel a certain way? The thing is, everyone’s different, so there’s no “one design for all” out there but there are a few rules of thumb you should follow to keep from distracting […]
Creating an Investors Presentation: Part 1
First, let me start by saying that there is no “one way” to go about this. In the end, your goal is to get an investor’s attention and make him/her realize that they should invest in you and your venture.
Presentation Design Matters
Everyone knows that first impressions matters. It applies to everything in life as what we see usually registers first whenever we experience something. We meet a new person and the first thing we’ll notice is what they look like – in most cases, sight is the first sense that provides our brain with information about something or […]
Your First Emazing Experience with Emaze
So you finally decided that you don’t want to the process of creating a presentation to be a tiring and frustrating ordeal. Well, you’re right because it doesn’t have to be!
The Benefits of HTML5 vs. Adobe Flash
There are many that say that HTML5 is far better than Adobe Flash and here we will explore these reasons in order to understand the benefits and to establish which one comes really has the advantage. To start, let us first understand what HTML5 and Flash are.
Creating a Professional Presentation
First let it be clear that there are no rules set in stone when it comes to creating a professional presentation. A lot of factors come into play that you have to consider and in the end you’ll have to trust your own judgment when sending it out. Having said that, there are certain guidelines […]